IMA statement on 11 Filipino migrant workers forced to live in container vans in Auckland, Aotearoa
22 November 2024
The International Migrants Alliance expresses grave concern over the dire situation faced by 11 Filipino migrant workers who were forced to live in container vans in Auckland, Aotearoa. The migrant workers were promised a better livelihood by recruitment agencies but only found themselves in such exploitative living and working conditions.
This situation of the 11 Filipino migrant workers is not isolated as some migrant workers of different nationalities in New Zealand have reported issues of living in or cramped in unsanitary accommodations, experiencing exploitative working conditions, and labor trafficking.
The IMA calls on the New Zealand government to thoroughly investigate this case while providing the necessary support to the migrant workers. Recruitment agencies and companies found to be involved in the exploitation of the workers should be punished.
The IMA likewise calls on the Philippine government to provide immediate and unconditional support to their nationals, conduct their own investigation on the case, and apprehend any recruitment agency, company or individual found complicit to the case.
The IMA hails Migrante Aotearoa, trade unions and other migrants’ rights advocates in Aotearoa who continue providing support to the 11 Filipino migrant workers and all migrant workers.
Justice for the 11 Filipino migrant workers!
Migrant workers are not commodities!
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