Category: News

  • Migrante Europe asks Duterte to bring home stranded OFWs and political prisoners this Christmas

    Migrante Europe asks Duterte to bring home stranded OFWs and political prisoners this Christmas

    The newly-formed alliance of Filipino migrants, Migrante Europe, has asked the Duterte government to bring Christmas cheers to stranded OFWs and political prisoners by reuniting them with their families.

    “We appeal to President Duterte to do everything he can to bring home many stranded OFWs especially those in the Middle East and, at the same time, for humane considerations, release all political prisoners in the Philippines,” urged Ann Brusola, newly-elected Secretary General of Migrante Europe and a long-time OFW in this city.

    She said this would be the most meaningful gift of President Duterte to the stranded OFWs, political prisoners, and their families.

    About 2,000 OFWs remain stranded in the Middle East because they don’t have travel documents and funds. Most of them have suffered abuse at the hands of labor recruiters and their employers. Many OFWs are also unjustly languishing in foreign prisons because they have not been provided legal assistance by the Manila government, Brusola explained.

    She said political prisoners are also in the same situation – unjustly accused, imprisoned and separated from their families. They should be reunited with their families this Christmas, she added.

    Brusola also said undocumented OFWs are in a way also stranded because they can´t return home. She said the plight of undocumented OFWs and those needing legal assistance, including victims of human trafficking, will be among the major campaigns of Migrante Europe in the next three years.

    During its Founding Congress this weekend, the progressive alliance formed its Regional Council, composed of representatives from its member organizations in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The Congress also elected its first set of executive officers, namely: Fr. Herbert Fadriquela Jr., Chairperson (Filipino Chaplaincy in Leicester, United Kingdom); Rafael Joseph Maramag, Vice-Chairperson for Internal Affairs (Kanlungan Filipino Consortium, United Kingdom); Maitet Ledesma, Vice-Chairperson for External Affairs (Pinay sa Holland – Gabriela, Netherlands); Ann Brusola, Secretary General (Umangat-Migrante Rome, Italy); Jean Gocotano, Deputy Secretary General (Migrante-Denmark); Kendy Sario, Treasurer (Ugnayan ng mga Pilipino sa Belgium); and Elnora Held, Auditor (Gabriela-Germany).

    The alliance also approved yesterday its Constitution and By-Laws and is expected to finish its assembly today by approving its Program of Action. A solidarity evening will follow and tomorrow, December 12, delegates will proceed to the Philippine embassy to present their demands to the Philippine government. #

    Ann Brusola
    Secretary General
    Migrante Europe
    +39 327 882 5544
    [email protected]

  • MIGRANTE Europe Founding Congress calls to uphold rights, freedom to all political prisoners

    MIGRANTE Europe Founding Congress calls to uphold rights, freedom to all political prisoners

    Translations [ French» | Italian» | German» | Dutch» | Spanish» ]

    (Rome, Italy) – The Founding Congress of Migrante Europe opened today at the Roma Camping Village in Rome, Italy, with a strong call to uphold migrants rights and for freedom to all political prisoners, in solidarity with the call in the Philippines.

    Echoing the theme of the International Human Rights Day today “Stand up for human rights”, the delegates hoisted banners and slogans calling to free all political prisoners in the Philippines, upholding human rights and fighting for a just peace, as they stood in front of the stage and sang “Stand by Me” during the opening ceremonies.

    Weng Flores, Chairperson of Umangat-Migrante Rome, welcomed the Congress delegates and guests, and exhorted everyone to honor those who have offered their lives for the people, those migrants who sacrifice a lot to earn a living for their loved ones, and refugees who have lost their lives to escape wars and the political crisis in their countries.

    She underscored the fact that to be a migrant worker means working for long hours and doing jobs that are difficult, dirty and dangerous.

    “Despite the great difficulties we face, we gave time to an important gathering of different representatives of various organizations who came from faraway countries in Europe. We sacrificed several work days just to be part of putting up our own alliance, the Migrante Europe,” Flores stressed.

    Asterio Palima, peace panel member of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, gave the keynote speech during the Congress. He urged delegates to sound the strong call to free all political prisoners, which he said is in conjunction with the demands of justice and adherence to previous agreements between the NDFP and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP), especially the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL).

    Palima traced the history of the resistance of the Filipino people against foreign domination. He also shared the history of the peace talks between the GRP and the NDFP, and stressed that the discussion and eventual agreement on a common document on social and economic reforms in the next round of talks in January 2017, is crucial because it seeks to address landlessness, poverty, underdevelopment, unemployment, and social inequality and injustice.

    In a video message, Garry Martinez, Chairperson of Migrante International, said the founding of Migrante Europe and the advance of the progressive movement of Filipinos overseas are within the correct direction of fighting for migrant rights and welfare, and for fundamental issues in the homefront.

    Martinez lamented, however, that the Duterte government has not made any substantial policy yet as alternative to the labor export policy, which has resulted in the commodification and exploitation of our compatriots abroad and in the Philippines.

    Delegates to the Migrante Europe Founding Congress came from 18 countries and 23 organizations across Europe. They are expected to discuss and approve their Constitution and Program of Action, compose its Regional Council, as well as elect its Executive Officers, today until tomorrow.


    (Rome, Italie) – Le congrès fondateur de Migrante Europe a eu lieu aujourd’hui au Roma Camping Village à Rome, Italie, avec un appel fort à respecter les droits des migrants et pour la liberté de tous les prisonniers politiques, en solidarité avec l’appel des Philippines.

    Faisant écho au thème “Levez-vous pour les droits de l’homme” de la Journée Internationale des Droits de l’Homme ayant eu lieu aujourd’hui, les délégués ont hissé des bannières et scander des slogans appelant à libérer tous les prisonniers politiques aux Philippines, à la défense des droits de l’homme et à lutte pour une paix juste, alors qu’ils se tenaient sur une estrade en chantant “Stand by Me” lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture.

    Weng Flores, Présidente de Umangat-Migrante Rome, a accueilli les délégués du Congrès et les invités, et a exhorté tout le monde à honorer ceux qui ont offert leur vie pour le peuple, ces migrants qui sacrifient tout pour gagner leur vie pour leurs proches, et les réfugiés qui ont perdu leurs vies pour échapper à la guerre et à la crise politique dans leurs pays.

    Elle a souligné le fait que, pour être un travailleur migrant signe travailler de longues heures et faire des emplois difficiles, sales et dangereux.

    “Malgré les grandes difficultés que nous rencontrons, nous avons donné de notre temps pour tenir cet important rassemblement de différents représentants de diverses organisations qui sont venus de pays lointains en Europe. Nous avons sacrifié plusieurs jours de travail uniquement pour faire partie et mettre en place notre propre alliance, Migrante Europe », a soulignée Flores.

    Asterio Palima, membre du Comité de Paix du Front National Démocratique des Philippines, a prononcé un discours lors du Congrès. Il a exhorté les délégués à lancer un appel fort à libérer tous les prisonniers politiques qui, selon lui est en conjonction avec les exigences de la justice et le respect des accords antérieurs entre le NDFP et le Gouvernement de la République des Philippines (GRP), en particulier l’Accord Global sur le Respect des Droits de l’Homme et du Droit International Humanitaire (CARHRIHL).

    Palima a retracé l’histoire de la résistance du peuple philippin contre la domination étrangère. Il a également partagé l’histoire des pourparlers de paix entre le GRP et le NDFP, et a souligné que les discussions et éventuel accord sur un document commun sur les réformes économiques et sociales dans le prochain cycle de négociations en janvier 2017 est crucial, car elle vise à adresser la question de l’absence de terre, de la pauvreté, du sous-développement, du chômage et des inégalités sociales et de l’injustice.

    Dans un message vidéo, Garry Martinez, président de Migrante International, a déclaré que la fondation de Migrante Europe et l’avancement du mouvement progressiste des Philippins à l’étranger va dans le bon sens de la lutte pour les droits et le bien-être des migrants et pour les questions fondamentales dans leur pays d’origine.

    Martinez a déploré, cependant, que le gouvernement de Duterte n’ai pas encore mis en place une politique qui serait une alternative à la politique d’exportation de la main d’œuvre, qui conduit à la marchandisation et à l’exploitation de nos compatriotes à l’étranger et aux Philippines.

    Les délégués du Congrès Fondateur de Migrante Europe sont venus de 18 pays et 23 organisations à travers l’Europe. Ils sont venus pour discuter et approuver leur Constitution et leur Programme d’action, composer son Conseil régional, ainsi qu’élire ses dirigeants, d’aujourd’hui jusqu’à demain.


    (Roma, Italia) -Il Congresso di fondazione Migrante Europa ha aperto oggi al Roma Camping Village a Roma in l’Italia, con un forte richiamo al rispetto dei diritti dei migranti e per la libertà di tutti i prigionieri politici, in solidarietà con la chiamata nelle Filippine.

    Riprendendo il tema della Giornata internazionale dei diritti umani oggi “Alzati per i diritti umani”, i delegati hanno issato striscioni e slogan chiamando a liberare tutti i prigionieri politici nelle Filippine in difesa dei diritti umani e lottando per una pace giusta, mentre si trovavano di fronte al palco e hanno cantato “stand by Me”, durante la cerimonia di apertura.

    Weng Flores, presidente del Umangat-Migrante Roma, ha accolto i delegati al Congresso e gli ospiti, e ha esortato tutti ad onorare coloro che hanno offerto la loro vita per il popolo, quei migranti che sacrificano molto per guadagnarsi da vivere per i loro cari, e rifugiati che hanno perso la vita per sfuggire dalle guerre e la crisi politica nei loro paesi.

    Lei ha sottolineato il fatto che essere un lavoratore immigrato significa lavorare per lunghe ore e fare lavori difficili, sporchi e pericolosi.

    “Nonostante le grandi difficoltà che abbiamo di fronte, abbiamo dato il tempo ad un importante raduno di diversi rappresentanti di varie organizzazioni che sono venuti da paesi lontani dell’ Europa. Abbiamo sacrificato diversi giorni di lavoro solo per essere partecipi di tirare su la nostra alleanza, il Migrante Europa “, ha sottolineato Flores.

    Asterio Palima, membro di un partito della pace del Fronte Nazionale Democratico delle Filippine, ha dato il discorso chiave durante il Congresso. Egli ha esortato i delegati a enfatizzare la forte chiamata per liberare tutti i prigionieri politici, che ha detto, e’ in congiunzione con le esigenze della giustizia e il rispetto ai precedenti accordi tra l’NDFP e il governo della Repubblica delle Filippine (GRP), in particolare l’accordo globale sul rispetto dei diritti umani e del diritto umanitario internazionale (CARHRIHL).

    Palima ha tracciato la storia della resistenza del popolo filippino contro la dominazione straniera. Egli ha anche condiviso la storia dei colloqui di pace tra il GRP e il NDFP, e ha sottolineato che la discussione e l’eventuale accordo su un documento comune sulle riforme sociali ed economiche nel prossimo round di colloqui nel mese di gennaio 2017, è fondamentale perché cerca di affrontare la privazione dei terreni, la povertà, il sottosviluppo, la disoccupazione e la disuguaglianza sociale e l’ingiustizia.

    In un video messaggio, Garry Martinez, presidente del Migrante International, ha detto la fondazione di Migrante Europa e l’avanzata del movimento progressivo di filippini all’estero sono all’interno del corretto senso di lotta per i diritti dei migranti e il benessere, e per le questioni fondamentali nel fronte interno.

    Martinez ha lamentato, tuttavia, che il governo Duterte non ha ancora fatto alcuna politica sostanziale in alternativa alla politica di esportazione del lavoro, che ha portato alla mercificazione e lo sfruttamento dei nostri connazionali all’estero e nelle Filippine.

    I delegati al Migrante Europe Founding Congress provengono da 18 paesi e 23 organizzazioni di tutta l’Europa. Essi sono tenuti a discutere ed approvare la loro Costituzione e il programma d’azione, comporre il suo Consiglio regionale, così come eleggere i suoi Dirigenti, oggi fino a domani.


    Der Gruendungskongress der Migrante Europe eroeffnete in Roma Camping Village in Rom, Italien mit einem starken Aufruf zur Wahrung der Rechte der Migranten und fuer die Freiheit alle politischen Gefangenen in Solidaritaet mit dem Aufruf in den Philippinen. Die heute das Thema des internationalen Menschenrechtstages widerspiegeln setzen sich fuer die Menschenrechts ein, unterhielten die Delegierten Banner und Slogans, die alle politischen Gefangenen auf den Philippinen befreien sollten, die Wahrung der Menschenrechte und der Kampf fuer einen gerechte Frieden als sie vor der Buehne standen und sangen “Stand by Me”waehrend der Eroeffnungsfeier.

    Weng Flores, Stellvertreterin von Umangat, Migrante Rom begruesste die Kongressdelegierten und Gaeste und ermahnte alle, jene zu ehren, die ihr Leben fuer die Menschen geopfert haben, jene Migranten, die etwas opfern, um ihren Lebensunterhalt fiuer ihre Lieben zu verdienen und auch die Fluechtlinge, die ihr Leben verloren haben, um Kriegen jund der politischen Krise in ihren Kaempfen zu entkommen.

    Sie unterstrich die Tatsache, dass ein Wanderarbeiter zu sein bedeutet Arbeitsplaetze mit laengeren Arbeitszeiten, Arbeit, die schwierig und gefaehrlich sind. “Trotz der grossen Schwierigkeiten, gegenueberstehen, gaben wir Zeit fuer eine wichtige Zusammenkunft von verschiedenen Vertretern verschiedener Organisationen, die aus fernen Laendern in Europa kommen. Wir haben mehrere Arbeitstage geopfert, nur zum Teil unserer eigenen Allianz zu werden, das “Migrante Europe” betonten Flores.

    Asterio Palima forderte die Delegation auf, einen kraeftigen Aufruf zu erlangen, alle politischen Gefangenen zu befreien, die er in Verbindung mit den Forderungen der Gerechtigkeit und der Einhaltung frueherer Vereinbarungen zwischen NdF und der GRP, vor allem die Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHILL).

    Palima verfolgte die Geschichte des Widerstands der philippinischen Bevoelkerung gegen auslaendische Herrschaften. Her teilte auch die Geschichte der Friedengespraeche zwischen dem GRP und dem NDF mit und betonte, dass die Diskussion und eventuelle Einigung ueber eine gemeinsames Dokument ueber soziale und wirtschaftliche Reformen in den naechsten Gespraechen im Januar 2017 von entscheidender Bedeutung sind, die ueber Armut, Unterentwicklung, Arbeitslosigkeit und soziale Ungleichheit und Ungerechtigkeit v.erhandelt werden muss.

    In einem Videobotshcaft, Garrz Martinez, Vorsitzxende von Migrante International, sage die Gruendung von Migrante Europe und den Fortschritt der fortschreitende Bewegung von Filipinos in Uebersee sind in die richtige Richtung der Kaempfe fuer Migrantenrechte- und Wohlfahrt und fuer die grundlegenden Fragen im Heimatfront.

    Martinez beklagte jedoch, dass die Duterte Regierung keine wesentliche Politik alos Alternative zu der Arbeitsexportpolitik gemacht hat, die zur Komodifizierung und Ausbeutung von Landsleuten im Ausland und in den Philippinen gefuehrt hat.

    Delegierte des Migrante Europe Grundungskongresses kamen aus 18 Laendernm und 23 Organisationen europaweit. Sie werden erwartet zu diskutieren und zxu genehmigen ihre Verfassung und Aktionsprogramm, seien Regionalrat sowie waehle seine Vorstaende von Freitag bis morgen.


    (Rome, Italië) – Het oprichtingscongres van Migrante Europe begon vandaag bij de Roma Camping Village in Rome, Italië, met een sterke oproep om migrantenrechten en de vrijheid voor alle politieke gevangenen te verdedigen, in solidariteit met de oproep uit de Filipijnen.

    Met het thema van Internationale Mensenrechtendag om “op te staan voor mensenrechten”, hesen de vertegenwoordigers spandoeken en schreeuwde slogans voor vrijheid van alle politieke gevangenen in de Filipijnen, het verdedigen van mensenrechten en het vechten voor een rechtvaardige vrede, toen ze op het podium stonden en “Stand by Me” zongen tijdens de openingsceremonie.

    Weng Flores, Voorzitter van Umangat-Migrante Rome, verwelkomde de vertegenwoordigers en gasten van het congres, en spoorde ze aan om iedereen die hun levens hebben verloren te eren, de migranten die heel veel hebben achter moeten laten om hun naasten te helpen met een inkomen, en vluchtelingen die hun levens hebben verloren om te vluchten van oorlogen en de politieke crisis in hun landen.

    Zij onderstreepte het feit dat migrantenarbeiders lange uren moeten werken en banen hebben die moeilijk, vies, en gevaarlijk zijn.

    “Ondanks de moeilijkheden waarmee wij worden geconfronteerd geven we aandacht aan een belangrijke bijeenkomst van verschillende vertegenwoordigers van allerlei organisaties van verre landen in Europa. Wij geven belangrijke werkdagen op zodat wij onze eigen alliantie kunnen opzetten, Migrante Europe,” benadrukte Flores.

    Asterio Palima, vredespanel lid van het Nationaal Democratisch Front van de Filipijnen, gaf de keynote speech tijdens het congres. Hij riep vertegenwoordigers op om de campagne om alle politieke gevangenen te bevrijden te steunen, waarvan hij zei dat het in samenloop is met de eisen voor rechtvaardigheid en met het nakomen van voorgaande overeenkomsten tussen het NDFP en de overheid van de Filipijnen, vooral met de Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL).

    Palima schetste een geschiedenis van verzet van het Filipijnse volk tegen buitenlandse dominantie. Hij deelde ook over de geschiedenis van de vredesbesprekingen tussen de Filipijnse overheid en het NDFP, en benadrukte dat de discussie en eventuele overeenkomst van een gezamenlijk document rondom sociale en economische hervormingen tijdens de volgende ronde van de vredesbesprekingen in januari 2017, cruciaal is omdat het een eind aan landloosheid, armoede, onderontwikkeling, werkloosheid en sociale ongelijkheid en onrechtvaardigheid tracht te brengen.

    In een videobericht zei Garry Martinez, voorzitter van Migrante International, dat de oprichting van Migrante Europe en de vooruitgang van de progressieve Filipijnse beweging overzee binnen de algemene richting is van het vechten voor migrantenrechten en welzijn, en voor de fundamentele kwesties van het thuisfront.

    Martinez beklaagde de overheid van Duterte die nog geen substantieel beleid als alternatief voor het arbeidsexportbeleid heeft gevoerd, wat heeft geleid tot het commodificeren van de uitbuiting van onze landgenoten binnen en buiten de Filipijnen.

    Vertegenwoordigers van het oprichtingscongres van Migrante Europe kwamen uit 18 landen en van 23 organisaties binnen Europa. Verwacht wordt dat zij vandaag tot morgen hun constitutie en actieprogramma gaan bediscussiëren en goedkeuren, een regionale raad samenstellen, en daarvoor de uitvoerende officieren kiezen.


    (Roma, Italia) – El Congreso Fundador de Migrante Europa se inauguró hoy en Roma, con un fuerte llamamiento por la defensa de los derechos de los migrantes y la libertad de todos los presos políticos, en solidaridad con el llamamiento en Filipinas.

    Haciéndose eco del tema propuesto por el Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos: “Alcémonos por los derechos humanos”, los delegados levantaron banderas y consignas que clamaban por la liberación de todos los presos políticos filipinos, la defensa de los derechos humanos y la lucha por una paz justa, al son de la canción “Stand by Me” durante la ceremonia de apertura.

    Weng Flores, Presidenta de Umangat-Migrante Roma, dio la bienvenida a los delegados del Congreso y a los invitados, y exhortó a todos a honrar a quienes han puesto su vida al servicio de las personas, a los migrantes que sacrifican mucho para ganarse la vida y ayudar a sus seres queridos y a los refugiados que han perdido la vida al escapar de las guerras y la crisis política en sus países.

    Subrayó el hecho de que ser trabajador migrante significa trabajar durante largas horas y aceptar empleos difíciles, sucios y peligrosos.

    “A pesar de las grandes dificultades que enfrentamos, diferentes representantes de varias organizaciones de países europeos lejanos hemos hecho tiempo para asistir a este importante encuentro. Hemos sacrificado varios días de trabajo para formar parte de la creación de nuestra propia alianza, Migrante Europa “, afirmó Flores.

    Asterio Palima, miembro del panel de paz del Frente Democrático Nacional de Filipinas- National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), pronunció el discurso de apertura durante el Congreso. Urgió a los delegados a hacer un llamamiento por la liberación de todos los presos políticos, lo cual, dijo, está en conjunción con las exigencias de justicia y la adhesión a acuerdos previos entre el NDFP y el Gobierno de la República de Filipinas (GRP), especialmente el Acuerdo Integral por el Respeto de los Derechos Humanos y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario (CARHRIHL).

    Palima trazó la historia de la resistencia del pueblo filipino contra la dominación extranjera. También compartió la historia de las conversaciones de paz entre el GRP y el NDFP y subrayó que el debate y eventual acuerdo sobre un documento común en torno a reformas sociales y económicas durante la próxima ronda de conversaciones de paz, en Enero de 2017, es crucial ya que trata de abordar la pobreza, el subdesarrollo, el desempleo, la desigualdad social y la injusticia.

    Mediante video conferencia, Garry Martínez, presidente de Migrante Internacional, afirmó que la fundación de Migrante Europa y el avance del movimiento progresista de los filipinos en el extranjero empoderan la lucha por los derechos y el bienestar de los migrantes y por cuestiones fundamentales frentes internos de la nación filipina.

    Martínez lamentó, sin embargo, que el gobierno de Duterte no haya hecho todavía ningún avance político sustancial como alternativa a la política de exportación de mano de obra, que ha resultado en la mercantilización y explotación de nuestros compatriotas en el extranjero y en Filipinas.

    Los delegados del Congreso Fundador de Migrante Europa vinieron de 18 países y 23 organizaciones de toda Europa. Se espera que discutan y aprueben su Constitución y Programa de Acción, que compongan su Consejo Regional, y que elijan a sus Oficiales Ejecutivos.

  • Migrante Europe founding assembly set in Rome

    Migrante Europe founding assembly set in Rome

    5 December 2016

    Organizations of patriotic Filipinos in Europe are set to convene the first-ever alliance of Filipino migrant organizations in Europe that not only fights for the rights and welfare of Filipinos overseas but also for genuine and lasting social change in the Philippines, in Rome, Italy on December 10-11, 2016. The founding assembly is timed during the celebration of International Human Rights Day and International Migrants Day, whose theme ‘Stand up for someone’s rights today!’, would be echoed in the assembly.

    The founding assembly of Migrante International Europe will be attended and participated in by affiliate member organizations of Migrante International in Europe such as the different Migrante formations in Denmark, Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, the UK, France and Italy, as well as many other Filipino migrant organizations. Filipino migrant formations of women, youth, professionals, cultural workers and church-based migrant advocates are also expected to join the alliance.

    According to Fr. Herbert Fadriquela Jr., Filipino chaplain of St. Andrews Church in Leicester, UK, and one of the convenors of the founding assembly, the event which will gather patriotic and democratic organizations and formations of Filipinos working and living in Europe is a historical breakthrough in the history of Filipinos in Europe.

    “Finally, the long-felt need and dream of linking together and forging unity in a formal Europewide alliance to promote Filipino migrants’ and refugees’ rights and genuine freedom and democracy in our Motherland is going to be realized,”

    “As we consolidate our ranks and discuss and thresh out the issues we face as migrants and refugees”, Fr. Herbert stressed, “we will also vigorously reach out to numerous other Filipinos in Europe who feel the impact of anti-migrant policies of the European Union and non-member states, and the racism among the local population that these policies engender.”

    Ann Brusola of Umangat-Migrante Rome, and also a co-convenor, explained that deep-seated poverty, underdevelopment and political repression continue to force hundreds of thousands of Filipinos to seek employment and political refuge abroad. There are over 950,000 Filipinos living and working in Europe. They desire a homecoming to an independent, self-reliant and
    developed Philippines where social equity and justice prevail and where no one is forced to leave their family, community and country for economic or political reasons, she said.

    Migrante International Europe will serve as a regional campaign center to address issues of Filipino migrants and Filipino and non-Filipino refugees, and address major Philippine issues, especially those directly affecting Filipinos in Europe and their families in the homefront.

    Convenor organizations of Migrante International Europe earlier led a delegation of Filipino migrant organizations during the resumption of formal peace talks between the Government of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines in Oslo, Norway last August 21, 2016. They submitted the agenda of Filipinos in Europe and several petitions to address urgent rights and welfare issues that have long-besieged Filipinos in Europe, among others, the situation of a significant number of undocumented compatriots in the continent.#


    Ann Brusola
    [email protected]
    +39 327 8825544

  • Request for solidarity messages

    Request for solidarity messages

    We are proud to announce that Migrante Europe will be holding its founding congress on 9-12 December 2016 in Rome, Italy. It will be attended by affiliate members of Migrante International as well as new applicants which will form the founding members of our regional chapter.

    Theme: “Buuin ang pagkakaisa para ipaglaban ang mga karapatan at kagalingan ng mga migrante sa Europa, at isulong ang tunay at makabuluhang pagbabago sa inang bayan.” Forge a stronger unity to fight for democratic rights and interests of migrants in Europe;struggle for genuine and lasting change in the homeland.

    The Founding Congress has the following objectives:

    1. Consolidate our ranks through country and/or city reports and sharing of Migrante International member organizations.
    2. Discuss and thresh out current issues we face as migrants and refugees in Europe.
    3. Discuss issues in the Philippines which are affecting Filipino migrants and refugees in Europe and families in the homefront.
    4. Draft and unite on a General Programme of Action, Coordinated Campaign plan and European-wide projects, addressing issues in Europe and in the homefront.
    5. Elect the regional committee and officers and appoint its secretariat.

    In line with this, we would like to request either a video (3 to 5 minutes) or written solidarity message from your organisation to mark this truly historic event. Your messages will be shown and read during the congress proceedings.

    Please if you could kindly send your solidarity messages on or before 7 December 2016.

    Below are the rationale and aims and objectives of Migrante Europe for your perusal.

    We look forward to receiving your messages!

    Yours sincerely,
    Migrante Europe Prep Com

  • Filipino migrant groups hold Europe-wide consultations  Filipinos in Europe to present Migrants’ Agenda to Duterte government

    Filipino migrant groups hold Europe-wide consultations Filipinos in Europe to present Migrants’ Agenda to Duterte government

    Migrante International – Europe Chapter (OC)
    15 July 2016

    The global network Migrante International (MI) is spearheading a series of consultations with its chapters and other migrants groups in various cities in Europe since the election victory of President Rodrigo Duterte, collecting the sector’s demands and policy proposals for the new government.

    Starting in mid-June and still going on, the Chapter Organising Committee of Migrante International Europe (MIE-COC) has been reaching out to Filipino communities in Rome and Milan in Italy, Gent in Belgium, Amsterdam and The Hague in the Netherlands, Paris in France, London in the United Kingdom, and Vienna in Austria. A number of consultations are still planned for cities in Switzerland, Germany, Denmark and Sweden.

    “We fully endorse and support the initiative of Migrante International in consulting with Filipino communities in Europe and in presenting a Migrants’ Agenda to President-elect Rodrigo Duterte,” said Ann Brusola, of Umangat-Rome in Italy, a chapter organisation of MI.

    Thus far, MIE-COC has begun to consolidate the consultations that have been taking place. A few policy proposals have been suggested such as having “uniform fees for uniform services” in regards Philippine consular services; opening of consular posts in places where there is a considerable concentration of Filipinos; establishing a dedicated “complaints hotline” for Overseas Filipinos, among others.

    “Our compatriots in Europe have specific issues and demands we would also like to raise to the President. Like our counterparts in other parts of the world, we would also like to have a dialogue with the President to present and discuss the urgent concerns and demands of OFWs in Europe,” she added.

    In commemoration of Filipino Migrant Workers’ Day on 7 June 2016, Migrante International presented a 10-point proposal for then incoming Duterte government. Included in the proposals were the immediate release of funds under the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) to rightful claimants; re-opening of the Philippine foreign posts closed down by the government; and the scrapping of policies, fees and other exactions which are additional burdens to OFWs all over the world.

    “We look forward to President Duterte delivering on his promises to prioritise the issues and concerns of Filipino migrant workers in Europe and other regions,” Brusola added. “We encourage him to visit Europe as well, in order to see first-hand the plight of our kababayans this side of the world.”

    The demands and policy proposals from the Europe-wide consultations will be collated into a Migrants’ Manifesto and presented to the President.

    In a related development, Brusola announced plans for the Founding Assembly of the Migrante International Europe Chapter. She said that the Chapter Organising Committee has been formed from existing Migrante Chapters in Europe, and they are already hard at work preparing for the Assembly which will be held in Rome, 9-12 December 2016. The MIE-COC is calling on other Filipino migrant organisations in Europe to join them in establishing the Migrante International alliance in Europe.###

    Contact details:
    Migrante Europe
    Postbus 15687, 1001 ND Amsterdam
    NB: For schedules of upcoming summits and consultations in other European cities, please check

    For references:
    Ann Brusola, Umangat-Migrante Rome – +39 327 8825544
    Rafael Joseph Maramag, Kanlungan UK – +44 795 848 2753

  • Open letter of MIGRANTE to President-elect Rodrigo Duterte: The change OFWs want to see

    Open letter of MIGRANTE to President-elect Rodrigo Duterte: The change OFWs want to see

    May 13, 2016

    Dear President Duterte,

    We congratulate you on your overwhelming victory in the May 2016 polls. The Filipino people have spoken, and they chose change.

    You sweeping victory is testament to how Filipinos, wherever we are in the world, thirst for a new leadership that is not corrupt and cacique. We want a new government that will depart from all the failures and empty promises of the so-called ‘tuwid na daan’. We want accountability for all the crimes committed by the Aquino government against the Filipino people.

    For these elections, despite and against all odds, a record-breaking 407,000 overseas Filipino voters exercised their right to vote and fulfilled their duty to the nation. This big increase is proof of overseas Filipino workers’ (OFWs’) stake in the outcome of the May 2016 elections. It disproved all claims that there had been a growing apathy among our OFWs. We have once again proven how significant the OFW vote is.

    We are one with the Filipino nation in hoping that your presidency will immediately address fundamental problems that beset the country – widespread unemployment, lowest wages, contractualization, landlessness, lack of basic social services, corruption, violations of human rights and national sovereignty – the root causes of forced migration.

    We are one with all OFWs in hoping that your presidency will scrap the labor export policy that exploits our cheap labor and remittances but offers us nothing in return, especially in times of need. We will hold you to your promise to make OFWs your top-most priority in your labor agenda. We want new leaders who will be nurturing to OFWs and their families.  We want a new government that will uphold and protect our rights and welfare.

    We specifically call to your urgent attention the case of Mary Jane Veloso who remains on death row in Indonesia and others like her who have received no legal assistance from the previous administration; the immediate recall of notorious abusive and erring embassy officials, as well as accountability of high-level government officials responsible for the tanim-bala extortion scheme and other unresolved anomalies in the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA); the urgent and full audit of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) funds and its immediate release to rightful OFW beneficiaries; the quick resolution of illegal recruitment and trafficking cases filed by countless OFW victims at the Department of Justice (DOJ), Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC); and, the scrapping of unnecessary fees that are viewed by our kababayans as nothing but ‘legalized kotong’, such as the abolition of the rubbish Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC), among others.

    We are very much open to hold a dialogue with you to further discuss urgent and fundamental OFW concerns, especially as the nation is set to commemorate Filipino Migrants’ Day on June 7.

    We dream of a society where families will need not be broken by the need to survive. We wish to come home to a country where there are opportunities for everyone to live decent and humane lives.

    Mr. President, these are the changes we want to see in your administration. ###

    For reference:
    Garry Martinez
    Chairperson, Migrante International

    Office Address: #45 Cambridge St, Cubao, Quezon City
    Telefax: 911491

  • Migrante-Milan matagumpay na inilunsad

    Migrante-Milan matagumpay na inilunsad


    02 Mayo 2016
    Milan, Italy
    Unang Kongreso – Mayo 1, 2016

    Matagumpay na naidaos sa unang pagkakataon ang makasaysayang kongreso ng Migrante-Milan chapter nitong nakaraang Mayo uno, kasabay ng pagdiriwang ng pandaigdigang araw ng paggawa. Ito ay inilunsad sa viale Monza 40 Milan, Italy na nilahukan ng humigit-kumulang sa 60 katao na kung saan 56 ang nagpahayag ng kusang-loob na pagsapi.

    Sa ilalim ng temang “Pahigpitin ang Pagkakaisa, Isulong AngDemokratikong Interes Ng Ating Sektor, Itatag Ang Tunay na Organisayon Ng Migrante”, nilinaw sa mga migrantengmanggagawa dito sa Milan ang napapanahong pangangailangan nito na maitatag ang isang organisasyong tunay na magsisilbi at magsusulong ng interes at kagalingan ng sektor ng migrante kasabay ang pagsusulong ng interes ng sambayanang Pilipino. Naniniwala ito na ang paglutas sa ugat ng suliranin sa lipunangPilipino ang s’yang papawi sa suliranin sa migrasyon ng Pilipinas,
    kung kaya’t wastong manawagan ng ibayong pagkakaisa sa hanay ng migrante.

    Nagkaruon ng maikli ngunit makabuluhang paglalahad ng kasaysayan ng migrasyon sa Pilipinas at sa mga obhetibong kundisyon na nagtulak sa pagkakatatag ng Migrante International nuong 1994. Kabilang din sa kasaysayang ito kung paano ang naging pag-iral ng Migrante-Milan bago pa man idaos ang pormal na kongresong ito.

    Matapos ang paglalahad ng kasaysayan, nagkaruon ng payak ngunit makabuluhang parangal sa pumanaw na si kasamang Sol Pillas, tumayong Pangkalahatang Kalihim ng Migrante International (2014-2016). Taas kamaong kinanta ng buong asembliya ang “Bayan Ko” bilang munting alay sa kasama at bukal sa pusong nag-ambag ang bawat isa ng kaunting halaga bilang tulong pinansyal sa kanyang naiwang pamilya.

    Bago talakayin at aprubahan ang saligang batas ng organisasyon ay ipinakita at binasa ang mga video at sulat ng pahayag nang pakikiisa mula sa iba’t ibang balangay at alyadong organisasyon tulad ng Migrante-Europe, Umangat-Migrante Roma, KanlunganConsortium-UK, OFW Watch-Italy at ang mismong Migrante International sa pamamagitan ng mensaheng video ni ka Gary
    Martinez, tagapangulo. Sinundan din ito ng isang presentasyon na video ng isang anak ng kasapi na kung saan kinanta ang “Tatsulok” ng dating grupong Buklod.

    Naging masigla at buhay ang talakayan sa pag-apruba ng binalangkas na Saligang Batas ng organisasyon kung saan nagkaruon ng ilang pagsusog at pag-amyenda, kabilang na rito ang pagtatakda ng sapi at butaw sa organisasyon at ang dalas ng pulong ng asembliya. Sa huli’y pinagtibay at sinang-ayunan ng lahat ang Saligang Batas. Ipinakita rin ng mga dumalo ang kanilang pagsang-ayon sa pamamagitan ng kusang loob napagpapasa ng kani-kanilang mga membership form at ang ilan ay nagbayad na kaagad ng kanilang sapi at butaw.

    Nagkaruon din ng masiglang pagbabahagi sa ilang mga dumalo ng kanilang mga karanasang nagpapatotoo sa mga suliraning kinakaharap nating mga migrante tulad na lamang ng mga namamatay na migranteng kailangan ng tulong pinansyal ngunit hindi miyembro ng OWWA. Halimbawa ito ng ilan lamang sa mga usaping kagyat na haharapin ng organisasyon.

    Ang halalan ng pamunuan nito ay masaya, masigla at aktibong nilahukan ng lahat kung saan nahalal sina Ed Turingan bilang taga-pangulo, Cecil Morales bilang pangalawang taga-pangulo,
    Franklin Irabon bilang pangkalahatang kalihim, Lea Gulle bilang pangalawang pangkalahatang kalihim at si Alma Panis bilang ingat-yaman. Binuo din sa asembliyang ito ang mga komite sa organisasyon, edukasyon at propaganda, kultura, tulong serbisyoat pinansya.

    Inaprubahan ng pangkalahatang asembliya ang pang isang taon Pangkalahatang Programa ng Pagkilos nito na sasaklaw mula 01 ng Mayo 2016 hanggang 30 Abril 2017. Binibigyang diin ng naturang programa ng pagkilos ang pag-oorganisa sa hanay ng migrante, pagbibigay ng mga pag-aaral at pagsasanay para sa higit pang sandata sa kritikal na pagsusuri ng kanilang sariling kalagayan bilang sektor, paglulunsad ng mga pagkilos para sa kongkretong pagsasakatuparan ng pagsusulong ng interes at kagalingan ng migrante at sambayanang Pilipino at ang pakikipagkaisa nito sa malawak pang bilang ng iba’t ibang demokratiko at makabayang sektor at mamamayan ng ibang nasyon.

    Umaasa ang lahat na ang kongresong naganap ay umpisa pa lang nang tuloy-tuloy na pagpapalakas, pagpapalawak at pagkilos ng Migrante-Milan para sa pagtataguyod ng mga demokratikong karapatan at kagalingan ng mga ofw at ng kanilang pamilya.

    Mabuhay ang manggagawang Pilipino !
    Mabuhay ang Migrante-Milan !

    Ed Turingan

  • Let the pictures break not only hearts, but also barriers to rights

    Let the pictures break not only hearts, but also barriers to rights

    A spectre is haunting Europe and it’s the spectre of refugees fleeing from their war-torn homes only to find death on the sea and not safety on the land.

    The picture 4391of three-year old Syrian child, Aylan Kurdi, face down and lifeless after trying to cross to Greece has been making the rounds of alternative and mainstream media. It moved people, as it must. It called for change, as it should.

    For weeks, countries in Europe have been besieged with criticisms from its own people as governments either take hardline stance against or dilly-dally in taking in refugees and providing them the protection, services and haven that international and even EU agreements mandate them to give.

    The capsizing of the boat carrying Aylan, and another one carrying other refugees, was the latest proof of the vulnerabilities of displaced people. A few weeks ago, two boats from Libya carrying 500 people trying to get to Europe also capsized in the Mediterranean Sea and reportedly killed 400. This year alone, the United Nations estimated that 2,400 already died trying to get past the treacherous waters of the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, who can forget the Rohingyas and Bangladeshis from Myanmar who were also stranded at sea and refused entry by countries in Southeast Asia?

    Closing borders and heightened restriction in the entry of foreign nationals – be they refugees fleeing from wars and hunger or migrants displaced by economic hardships and also political strife – is a trend that is slowly creeping not only into Europe but also in other countries that are destinations of those forcibly displaced from their country of birth.

    States use the phantoms of jobs scarcity and scramble for dwindling resources and services to justify clamping down on refugee and migration flows. As economic and other crises rage with so-called recovery sluggish or is reserved for corporations and the business sector, refugees and migrants are still being used as convenient scapegoats to blur, if not totally skip over, the reality that skewed economic policies are at the root of problems faced by people in countries hosting refugees and migrants.

    The same neoliberal-driven economics that uphold labor expert, coupled by wars and political strife, is what also drives millions of people from their own homeland to seek a more safe and secure life.

    This month, the United Nations General Assembly is set to meet and chart the path to development for the next 15 years. It cannot be emphasized enough that the displacement of people due to economic or political causes – the 232 million migrants and 19.5 million refugees – is an issue of holistic development that should respect the comprehensive rights of the people.

    When the two boats from Libya capsized, Amb. Macharia Kamau of Kenya who co-chaired the post-2015 development agenda negotiations said that how the migrants crisis is being handled is not the way “to transform the world towards 2030.” It definitely is not.

    The post-2015 development agenda promises to leave no one behind. If governments are sincere about this, there should be no more Aylans left behind to suffer hardships or wash up lifeless in foreign shores.

    Let the tragic pictures of the death of children not only break our hearts, but also the walls of exclusion and inhumane migration and refugee policies that do not respect the fundamental rights of people already forcibly displaced by economic want and wars.

    Eni Lestari
    International Migrants Alliance (IMA)/ Campaign for People’s Goals for Sustainable Development (CPGSD)

  • Attacks on Mindanao Lumad schools and communities intensify as Aquino’s military goes berserk for Oplan Bayanihan

    Attacks on Mindanao Lumad schools and communities intensify as Aquino’s military goes berserk for Oplan Bayanihan


    The last year of the Benigno S. Aquino presidency has meant a bloodbath for indigenous peoples and for Lumad education, two months after his State of the Nation Address where he gloated of figures that have purportedly addressed classroom shortages and increased the quality of Philippine education.

    Emerito ‘Tatay Emok’ Samarca, executive director of the Alternative Learning Center for Agriculture and Development, Inc. (ALCADEV) and a convenor of the Save Our Schools Network was killed by government-backed indigenous paramilitary forces. His body was found lying in a pool of blood, with stab wounds on his neck, and his throat slit. While Dionel Campos, chairperson of MAPASU (Persevering Struggle for Future Manobo Generations), and his cousin Aurelio “Bello” Sinzo, were strafed dead before the
    terrified community of Han-ayan, Lianga town, Surigao del Sur province.

    The paramilitary group Magahat— armed, controlled, and commanded by the 36^th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army— burned down the school cooperative building and threatened to massacre the entire community if they would not leave the area two days before
    the killing of the Samarca, Campos, and Sinzo in the morning of September 1, 2015.

    The dastardly crime which was perpetrated at dawn and later carried out in broad daylight, terrified the erstwhile peaceful Manobo school and community. As of this writing, the number of evacuees in Caraga has swelled to 3,000 individuals or more than
    500 families coming from the municipalities of San Miguel and Lianga, with some 70 families still lost in nearby forests.

    The Philippine military’s attack on ALCADEV using indigenous paramilitaries is by far the gravest and most vicious violation of indigenous peoples’ right to education and constitutes a wholesale violation of children’s rights.

    Moreover, as schools are an integral part of communities, the attack is an open declaration of the Philippine state’s war of annihilation against people’s organizations and communities resisting foreign largescale plunder of ancestral domains.

    The 36^th IB Philippine Army-Magahat rampage at the ALCADEV School shows that the Aquino government has dropped all pretenses of adhering to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international human rights instruments. It also demonstrates the irrefutable crimes of the Philippine Army against indigenous children which the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Children and the Armed Conflict has continually glossed over, understated, or consistently concealed
    in its annual reports.

    The Philippine government’s attacks on the ALCADEV School clearly shows its contempt towards self-determined development asserted by indigenous communities. Alternative Lumad schools are pushing for their own culturally-relevant pedagogy that liberates indigenous peoples from the yoke of institutionalized discrimination and corporate plunder of ancestral lands.

    These Ethnocidal attacks on indigenous education, indigenous leaders and their staunch advocates and supporters are but the latest in a string of Aquino’s orders to tighten the noose on Lumad schools:

    1. Since April of 2014 up to present, 25 Lumad schools and community schools were forced to halt operations for the entire month of June due to harassment by the AFP and sanctioned by the Department of Education (DepEd).
    2. At least 84 cases of attacks on 57 community schools have displaced and disrupted the education of over 3, 000 Lumad children.
    3. Three minors were brutally killed by the elements of 3^rd Company of the1^st Special Forces Battalion under the ground commander Capt. Balatbat with Col. Nasser Lidasan as Battalion Commander on August 19, 2015 in Pangatukan town, Bukidnon province. They were part of 5 Manobo tribals strafed and killed on suspicion of being NPA combatants.
    4. The schooling of Lumad children under the Tribal Filipino Program of Surigao del Sur (TRIFPSS) was disrupted when residents of Brgy. Siagao, San Miguel, Surigao del Sur were displaced. The victims were killed by an armed group led by Hasmin and elements
      of the 36^th IBPA.
    5. A Lumad child was among 14 farmers in White Culaman, Kitaotao, Bukidnon who were illegally detained and arrested by elements of 8^th IB ug 23rd IB headed by Nicolas Rivera and an official named Tocmo. All were accused as members of the New People’s Army in contrast to the fact that they are members of organizations Nagkahiusang Mag-uuma sa Barangay White Culaman ( NAMABAW) and Tinananon Kulamanon Lumadnong Panaghiusa sa Arakan (TIKULPA). The Army threatened to burn down the MISFI-run (Mindanao Interfaith Services Foundation Incorporated) school which offers 7^th and
      8^th grade education in Sitio Dao, Bukidnon.
    6. Adding to these abuses is the ongoing mass evacuation of the Talaingod Manobo people in Davao City since April of this year due to intensified military operations and threats from the terrorist paramilitary group ALAMARA. Around 1, 000 individuals from San
      Fernando Bukidnon, Kapalong and Talaingod, Davao del Norte have sought sanctuary at UCCP Haran, Davao City. Learners from Salugpungan Ta Tanu Igkanugon Community Learning Center Inc (STTILCI) in Talaingod have been holding their classes at the refugee camp since the evacuation started. Worse, three soldiers of the 1003^rd Infantry Brigade raped a 14-year old Manobo grade 4 student of the Butay elementary school while conducting military operations in the area.
    7. Last month, the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines-Northern Mindanao schools in Agusan del Sur and Bukidnon have earlier reported harassments and threats from suspected state forces in the form of anonymous text messages, private message via facebook, and surveillances. In March 18, 2014, an RMP-NMR school grounds in Binikalan, San Luis, Agusan del Sur was strafed by 26^th IB troops disrupting the graduation practice of the school. In Sarangani province, administrators and faculty of the Center for Lumad Advocacy and Services (CLANS) which provides education to indigenous Blaan children have been filed with false criminal charges of serious illegal detention of evacuees and inciting to sedition.

    The Aquino government should be held accountable for all these violations. It is responsible for the formation and arming of the paramilitary groups, the paving the way for the enty of largescale destructive projects in the ancestral domains, the sowing of disunity among IPs, and the killings that have claimed the lives of many.

    The Save Our Schools Network demands Justice for Samarca, Campos, Sinzo and all victims of human rights abuses! End all forms of attacks on schools and communities!

    Prof. Mae Fe Templa, MSW
    Convenor, Save Our Schools Network

  • TRIBUTE | Diplomat and public servant exemplar: Ambassador Doy Lucenario

    TRIBUTE | Diplomat and public servant exemplar: Ambassador Doy Lucenario

    By: Veronica Uy,, May 13, 2015

    Often between media and source is conflict. And conflict was what brought me to meet Filipino diplomat and public servant exemplar Domingo “Doy” Lucenario.

    Before 2007, the Philippine passport was largely disrespected for its easy “fake-ability” (remember being called for a longer immigration interview at your destination?) because the Philippine passport system was in shambles (remember how the lines were long and disorderly, with fixers everywhere misguiding the already exhausted and confused applicant?) and a contract to upgrade the Philippine passport to world-class level is in the legal dustbin.

    But then Asec Doy did not wait for those bureaucratic and legal obstacles to correct themselves before he fixed what he could. He patiently, deftly, and systematically put things in order.

    Anyone who’s worked in or with government and is familiar with its turtle pace (especially if additional budget is needed) has called his accomplishments at the passport division nothing short of a miracle. Migrant workers’ rights advocate Ellene Sana recalls how Doy turned the once much-cursed passport division into an “efficient, person-friendly” office that “delivers in its services.”

    His solutions were simple but effective, products of a frank observation of the system: “big visible signages with the name of the DFA passport office and arrows pointing to the passport office; continuous play on the loudspeaker/public address system of announcement to inform the applicants of what to do/requirements to apply/renew the passport and also to warn against fixers; and courteous guards and personnel attending to and guiding the applicants, providing accurate information and advice.”

    He was at the frontline DFA service that other diplomats were reluctant or unwilling to manage as it was not about the more glamorous “foreign policy.” He recognized the importance of this service to ordinary folk. At that time, at least 6,000 passports were processed every day!

    He used time-and-motion studies to determine how many staff were needed for each step of the passport process. He hired and trained young, eager-to-help people to face this tired, impatient, and perhaps hungry crowd. He also found a place for the not so easily employable and hired the hearing-impaired for data encoding.

    On top of these efforts at the DFA main office and the regional passport offices, he introduced the mobile outreach passport program to remote municipalities where applications are processed within the day.

    He was a systems man. He viewed the problematic situation as a system and fixed it as a system — no piecemeal tweaking for him.

    While he was doing all these, he was also working with other agencies: a one-stop passport processing station at the POEA for OFWs; removing the Malacanang verification for authentication of documents; and an on-line database of the National Statistics Office to facilitate verification of birth certificates (I know he helped work it out so the NSO would have an office near the DFA for faster service).

    A key goal was to work on getting a machine-readable passport for all Filipino travelers. He successfully got the bosses to sign up on the plan — I’m sure not without much jumping through all kinds of legal hoops. Now we have more than that — an electronic passport (e-passport) that gets us through most foreign destinations with no more shameful invites for side interviews by immigration officers.

    At the core, he was a pro-people public servant. While many in government service would refuse to work with sometimes irascible leftist groups like Migrante, he did. In fact, Migrante’s Eman Villanueva got him as ninong at his wedding.


    Like Villanueva, I have asked for his help with passport applications and releases (many for bosses, officemates, and colleagues, and several for relatives). With his good nature (ang gaang gaang dalhin, so easygoing), you know he’s not going to take it against you or count it as a favor he would call back on.

    “Pana-panahon, nakakatagpo tayo ng mga tao sa gobyerno na tunay at sinserong naglilingkod sa ating mga kababayan. Walang inaasahang kapalit, parangal, o pagkilala. Bukas ang isip at handang makinig sa ating mga karaingan kahit magkaminsan ay hindi kapareho ng palagay at pananaw sa ibang mga bagay,” says Villanueva.

    “Gumagawa siya ng paraan para matugunan ang ilang kagyat na pangangailangan ng ating mga kababayan sa kabila ng mga kakapusan at limitasyong kakabit ng kanyang katungkulan o ng burukratikong sistema ng pamahalaan. Mabilis na tumutugon kapag nilalapitan. Ilang beses din na kami sa Migrante ay may inilapit at kagyat niyang tinulungan.”
    (“Sometimes, we encounter people in government who are true and sincere in serving our people. No expectation of recognition or honor in return. Open-minded, ready to listen to the people’s complaints, even if sometimes his views and yours are not the same.”)

    (“He found ways to respond to the urgent needs of the people despite the lack and limitations attached to his position or the bureaucracy. He quickly responded when approached. Many times, we in Migrante approached him, and he immediately responded.”)

    He was toward the end of his tour in dangerous Pakistan when he died, looking after the welfare of thousands of OFWs still in US and NATO military bases in Afghanistan, including the Samahang ng Filipinos (SAF) and the Pinoy Bunker/Filipinos in Afghanistan who called him their “link to the Department of Foreign Affairs.” As there is no DFA presence in Afghanistan, he was “the eyes and ears of the Philippine government” there, able to guide the Philippine government in the raising or lowering of alert levels in that country.

    According to Roberto Tabloc, who has his own construction company in Afghanistan, Amba Doy was able to persuade the powers-that-be to expand the exemptions for OFWS in Afghanistan. He hopes that this will be announced this month to enable more Filipinos working in that country to come home for vacations and be documented by the POEA.
    What was the source of this passion and leadership to serve? According to my boss Chuchay Fernandez, Doy was one of the original recruits of the late World Press Freedom icon Jose Burgos Jr. Doy was among the student leaders he mentored in the mid-1970s, way back when Doy was just a UE high school student.

    To fellow workers in government, he was not boss (even after he became ambassador), he was colleague. Faith Bautista recalls their days in Iran for a NAM meeting. “I was the only female in the delegation and I am the non-officer. I have to do staff work. But you were always there. Be it at 12 midnight to get the badges or to take notes for the big boss while I arrange his next meetings. You need not be there. But you were there! You were also there at 4 in the morning to see if we were alright while preparing for the next day of the Coordination Workshop for SNAMMM heads.”

    And which reporter does not appreciate a great news source? Amba Doy was. To this reporter he always had stories. If he could not go on record, he would point to another source (inside or outside the DFA, a person or a document) that could confirm his stories.

    After the shock of the news of his death, my Facebook newsfeed had a lot of posts thanking him for his service. Indeed, he had been an exemplary diplomat, bridging people and ideas, and a true public servant, going beyond the call of duty. A happy worker. Salamat, Amba Doy. Salamat sa lahat.