Dear fellow front liners,
Solidarity Greetings!
We enjoin the government, policy-makers, and institutions to support the vulnerable sectors in the community, especially the migrant and immigrant frontliners who risk their lives every day in the fight against COVID-19.
While we are all affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic ramifications, it is the undocumented immigrants, migrants, refugees, and displaced peoples who bear the brunt of the pandemic. Having limited or no access to health and social services leaves them in dire circumstances without the means to protect themselves.
Last March 30, the government of Portugal temporarily granted resident rights to migrants and asylum seekers, allowing them full access to public healthcare services and welfare, as well as the ability to sign employment and rental contracts and open bank accounts.
We urge the Austrian government to follow suit and grant amnesty to all undocumented immigrant workers and residency rights to all, giving them full access to healthcare, access to regular employment, and access to social services.
We are currently in communication with the President of Austria and the Philippine Ambassador to Austria to this effect.
Indeed, we cannot overcome this pandemic if we do not heed the needs of the vulnerable. We cannot move forward by leaving people behind. Solidarity for migrants, refugees, and displaced peoples!
Unconditional amnesty and regularization of all undocumented migrant workers in Europe!
In the light of the above, let us join together and raise our voice in a collective solidarity mass action toward this dream!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Michael Garlan
Secretary General, Migrante Austria
Mobile Phone no. 43 688 64588082