Email: [email protected]
08 December 2016
Dear Migrante Europe;
On this significant gathering, the Founding Assembly of Migrante Europe on 9-12 December 2016, we convey our warm greetings from the newly launched Migrante France!
Migrante France is proud to be part of the biggest organization of overseas Filipinos all over the world and is highly motivated to serve our fellow countrymen under the banner of Migrante International – Europe.
In view of the great need to strengthen the unity among OFWs to raise consciousness and awareness on the plight of migrant workers, We, Migrante France, will always share and commit ourselves to be of support and be in solidarity. We engage ourselves to struggle for the rights for jobs, fair wages and due recognition of OFWs worldwide.
We are fully aware that it is a huge task and responsibility, however, Migrante France firmly believes that if there is unity and collective action among overseas Filipinos worldwide, genuine change can be achieved.
Just like any other chapters, Migrante France will strive and excercise it’s full capacity to be more educated and involved in the current events and political issues hounding our country today. We look forward to more meaningful successes with you.
CONGRATULATIONS on our founding Assembly!
Acting Secretary General