Author: MigranteEurope

  • Migrante Europe is appalled with the Philippines’ top diplomat’s lack of diplomacy

    Migrante Europe is appalled with the Philippines’ top diplomat’s lack of diplomacy

    Migrante-Europe is appalled by the utterly uncalled-for umbrage of the Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Teodoro L. Locsin Jr. when he confronted the protesters led by Migrante International in front of his department on 10 January 2020. 

    The protest held by Migrante-International and its allies denounced the militarization of the evacuation mission of the country to be led by Retired General now DENR Secretary Roy A. Cimatu. The Philippines’ deployment of two battalions of military combatants shows the apathy of the US-Duterte regime to the welfare of OFWs in the Middle East. What our kababayans need in this time of crisis are not soldiers, but social workers, health care professionals and translators.

    We object to Sec. Locsin’s arrogance, when he yelled at the protesters and OFW families to beat him up and stating that “this is the government of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (then raised fist),” instead of providing answers to the legitimate questions raised by the protesters and OFW families affected by the current turmoil brought about by the US assassination of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani. 

    All Secretary Locsin succeeded in doing was to betray his utter ignorance about how diplomacy works, setting a dangerous precedent if his deplorable behavior is emulated by the wide following he claims for the government’s actions. 

    Migrante-Europe reiterates our ardent call, and challenges the US-Duterte regime to save our fellow OFWs in the Middle East and renounce the US imperialist war of aggression against the people of Iran. 

    No to US War on Iran! 
    Down With US Imperialism!

    Marlon T. Lacsamana
    Secretary General
    [email protected]
  • Migrante Europe condemns US aggression against Iran

    Migrante Europe condemns US aggression against Iran

    German» | Spanish» | Dutch» | Italian» | French» | Filipino»

    Migrante-Europe condemns in the strongest terms US aggression against Iran and Iraq. The assassination of a top Iranian general and Iraqi militia commander Qasem Soleimani, while in Baghdad International Airport, go against international law. The airstrike is a criminal act, sanctioned by the criminal-in-chief US President Donald Trump.

    Trump hopes that a war with Iran will divert public attention away from the impeachment complaint and help boost his chances in the November presidential elections. Trump thinks that a war with Iran will work in his favor. He overestimates US capacity and grossly underestimates global resistance to US imperialism.

    US aggression in Iran destabilizes the region and threatens the people, including Filipino overseas workers. Oil prices are also expected to rise as a result of tensions in the region. The US aims to pursue its imperialist agenda of dominating the region by attacking all forces and nations opposed to US hegemony. It has long engaged in provocations against Iran and has now upped the ante by embarking on naked armed aggression.

    We call on all chapters of Migrante Europe to join and/or organize protests against US armed aggression in the Middle East. The rising tensions threaten the safety of our countrymen. Targeted international assassinations can never be an acceptable tool of foreign policy. The US must be held account for its criminal acts.

    No to US war of aggression in Iran!


    Iranians tear up a US flag during a demonstration in Tehran against the American strike on Baghdad airport that killed Iranian Revolutionary Guards leader Qassem Soleimani © AFP via Getty Images

    Migrante-Europe verurteilt die US-Aggression gegen den Iran und den Irak auf das Schärfste. Die Ermordung eines iranischen Spitzengenerals und des irakischen Milizkommandanten Qasem Soleimani, während sie sich auf dem internationalen Flughafen von Bagdad aufhielten, verstoßen gegen das Völkerrecht. Der Luftangriff ist eine kriminelle Handlung, die vom kriminellen Oberboss der USA, Donald Trump, angeordnet wurde.

    Trump hofft, dass ein Krieg mit dem Iran die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit von der Anklage auf Amtsenthebung ablenken und seine Chancen bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen im November erhöhen wird. Trump glaubt, dass ein Krieg mit dem Iran zu seinen Gunsten arbeiten wird. Er überschätzt die Kapazität der USA und unterschätzt den weltweiten Widerstand gegen den US-Imperialismus gewaltig.

    Die US-Aggression gegen den Iran destabilisiert die Region und bedroht das Volk, einschließlich der philippinischen Migranten. Es wird auch erwartet, dass die Ölpreise infolge der Spannungen in der Region steigen werden. Die USA wollen ihre imperialistische Agenda, der Beherrschung der Region, fortsetzen, indem sie alle Kräfte und Nationen angreifen, die gegen die US-Hegemonie sind. Sie haben lange Zeit Provokationen gegen den Iran unternommen und haben nun den Einsatz durch ungeschminkt bewaffnete Aggressionen erhöht.  

    Wir rufen alle Gruppierung von Migrante-Europe auf, sich an den Protesten gegen die bewaffnete US-Aggression im Nahen Osten zu beteiligen und/oder diese zu organisieren. Die steigenden Spannungen bedrohen die Sicherheit unserer Landsleute. Gezielte internationale Attentate können niemals ein akzeptables Instrument der Außenpolitik sein. Die USA müssen für ihre kriminellen Handlungen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden.

    Nein zum US-Angriffskrieg im Iran!


    Iranians tear up a US flag during a demonstration in Tehran against the American strike on Baghdad airport that killed Iranian Revolutionary Guards leader Qassem Soleimani © AFP via Getty Images

    Migrante-Europe condona en los términos más fuertes la agresión estadounidense contra Irán e Irak. El asesinato del principal general iraní y el comandante de la milicia iraquí Qasem Soleimani, mientras se encontraba en el aeropuerto internacional de Bagdad, va en contra del derecho internacional. El ataque aéreo es un acto criminal, ordenado por el presidente  estadounidense Donald Trump.

    Trump espera que una guerra contra Irán distraera la atención pública que enfrenta sobre el proceso de destitucion  y asi  aumentar sus posibilidades en las elecciones presidenciales de noviembre. Trump cree que una guerra contra Irán funcionará a su favor. Sobreestima la capacidad de Estados Unidos y subestima enormemente la resistencia global al imperialismo estadounidense.

    La agresión estadounidense en Irán desestabiliza la región y amenaza a la gente, incluidos los trabajadores filipinos en el extranjero. También se espera que los precios del petróleo aumenten como resultado de las tensiones en la región. Estados Unidos aspira a seguir su agenda imperialista de dominar la región atacando a todas las fuerzas y naciones opuestas a la influencia de poder estadounidense. Durante mucho tiempo se ha involucrado en provocaciones contra Irán y ahora ha subido la apuesta al embarcarse en una agresión armada.

    Hacemos un llamado a todos los capítulos de Migrante-Europe para que se unan y / o organicen protestas contra la agresión armada de Estados Unidos en el Medio Oriente. Las crecientes tensiones amenazan la seguridad de nuestros compatriotas. Los asesinatos internacionales dirigidos nunca pueden ser una herramienta aceptable de política exterior. Los Estados Unidos deben rendir cuentas por sus actos criminales.

    ¡No a la guerra de agresión Estadounidense en Irán!


    Iranians tear up a US flag during a demonstration in Tehran against the American strike on Baghdad airport that killed Iranian Revolutionary Guards leader Qassem Soleimani © AFP via Getty Images

    Migrante-Europe veroordeelt in de sterkste termen Amerikaanse agressie tegen Iran en Irak. De moord op een vooraanstaande Iraanse generaal en een Iraakse militie-commandant Qasem Soleimani, terwijl hij op de internationale luchthaven van Bagdad was, druist in tegen het internationale recht. De luchtaanval is een criminele daad, in opdracht van  de Amerikaanse  president Donald Trump.

    Trump hoopt dat een oorlog met Iran de publieke aandacht van de beschuldigingsklacht zal afleiden en zijn kansen bij de presidentsverkiezingen in november zal vergroten. Trump denkt dat een oorlog met Iran in zijn voordeel zal werken. Hij overschat de Amerikaanse capaciteit en onderschat grof het wereldwijde verzet tegen het Amerikaanse-imperialisme.

    Amerikaanse agressie in Iran destabiliseert de regio en bedreigt de mensen, inclusief Filippijnse buitenlandse arbeiders. De olieprijzen zullen naar verwachting ook stijgen als gevolg van spanningen in de regio. De Amerikanen willen hun imperialistische agenda van domineren van de regio nastreven door alle troepen en naties aan te vallen die tegen de Amerikaanse invloed van macht zijn. Het is al lang betrokken bij provocaties tegen Iran en heeft nu de lat hoger gelegd door zich te richten op  gewapende agressie.

    We roepen alle hoofdstukken van Migrante-Europe op om deel te nemen aan en / of protesten te organiseren tegen Amerikaanse gewapende agressie in het Midden-Oosten. De stijgende spanningen bedreigen de veiligheid van onze landgenoten. Gerichte internationale moorden kunnen nooit een acceptabel instrument van buitenlands beleid zijn. De Verenigde Staten van Amerika moet verantwoordelijk worden gehouden voor zijn criminele handelingen.

    Nee tegen de Amerikaanse agressie in Iran!


    Iranians tear up a US flag during a demonstration in Tehran against the American strike on Baghdad airport that killed Iranian Revolutionary Guards leader Qassem Soleimani © AFP via Getty Images

    Migrante-Europe condanna nei termini più netti l’aggressione degli Stati Uniti contro l’Iran e l’Iraq. L’assassinio del generale iraniano di alto rango e comandante della milizia irachena Qasem Soleimani, mentre si trovava all’aeroporto internazionale di Baghdad, va contro il diritto internazionale. L’attacco aereo è un atto criminale, autorizzato dal “criminale in capo” presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump.

    Trump spera che una guerra con l’Iran distolga l’attenzione dell’opinione pubblica dalla denuncia di impeachment e contribuisca ad aumentare le sue possibilità alle elezioni presidenziali di novembre. Trump pensa che una guerra con l’Iran andrà a suo favore. Egli sopravvaluta la capacità degli Stati Uniti e sottovaluta grossolanamente la resistenza globale all’imperialismo statunitense.

    L’aggressione statunitense in Iran destabilizza la regione e minaccia la popolazione, compresi i lavoratori filippini all’estero. Si prevede anche che i prezzi del petrolio aumenteranno a causa delle tensioni nella regione. Gli Stati Uniti mirano a perseguire il loro programma imperialista di dominare la regione attaccando tutte le forze e le nazioni che si oppongono alla loro egemonia. Da tempo si sono impegnati in provocazioni contro l’Iran e ora hanno alzato la posta in gioco con un’aperta aggressione armata.

    Chiediamo a tutte le sezioni di Migrante Europa di unirsi e/o organizzare proteste contro l’aggressione armata degli Stati Uniti in Medio Oriente. Le crescenti tensioni minacciano la sicurezza dei nostri connazionali. Gli omicidi internazionali mirati non possono mai essere uno strumento accettabile di politica estera. Gli Stati Uniti devono rispondere dei loro atti criminali.

    No alla guerra di aggressione statunitense in Iran!

    MIGRANTE EUROPE condamne l’agression des États-Unis contre l’Iran

    Iranians tear up a US flag during a demonstration in Tehran against the American strike on Baghdad airport that killed Iranian Revolutionary Guards leader Qassem Soleimani © AFP via Getty Images

    Migrante-Europe condamne de la manière la plus ferme l’agression américaine contre l’Iran et l’Irak. L’assassinat du général iranien de haut rang et commandant de la milice irakienne Qasem Soleimani, alors qu’il se trouvait à l’aéroport international de Bagdad, est une violation du droit international. Cette frappe aérienne constitue un acte criminel, autorisé par le “criminel en chef” président des Etats-Unis Donald Trump.

    Trump espère qu’une guerre contre l’Iran puisse détourner l’attention du public de la procédure de mise en accusation et contribuer à accroître ses chances aux élections présidentielles de novembre. Trump pense qu’une guerre avec l’Iran jouera en sa faveur. Il surestime la capacité des Etats-Unis et sous-estime grossièrement la résistance mondiale à l’impérialisme américain.

    L’agression américaine en Iran déstabilise la région et menace le peuple, y compris les travailleurs philippins à l’étranger. On prévoit également une augmentation du prix du pétrole comme conséquence des tensions dans la région. Les Etats-Unis visent à poursuivre leur programme impérialiste de domination de la région en attaquant toutes les forces et nations opposées à l’hégémonie étasunienne. Ils se sont engagés depuis longtemps dans des provocations contre l’Iran et ils ont maintenant augmenté la mise en jeu en s’engageant dans une ouverte agression armée.

    Nous appelons toutes les sections de Migrante Europe à se rallier et/ou à organiser des actions de protestation contre l’agression armée américaine au Moyen-Orient. Les tensions croissantes menacent la sécurité de nos compatriotes. Les assassinats internationaux ciblés ne peuvent jamais être un outil acceptable de politique étrangère. Les Etats-Unis doivent être tenus responsables de leurs actes criminels.

    Non à la guerre d’agression des États-Unis en Iran !


    Iranians tear up a US flag during a demonstration in Tehran against the American strike on Baghdad airport that killed Iranian Revolutionary Guards leader Qassem Soleimani © AFP via Getty Images

    Mahigpit na kinukondena ng Migrante Europa ang ginawang agresyon ng US laban sa bansang Iran at Iraq. Ang pamamaslang sa mataas na heneral na Iraniano at kumander ng milisyang Iraqi na si Qasem Soleimani habang nasa International Airport ng Baghad, ay paglabag sa mga umiiral na internasyunal na batas. Ang pambobomba at pag-atake ay isang aktong krimen, na ipinag-utos ng punong-kriminal na si pangulong Donald Trump.

    Umaasa si Trump na ang panggigyera sa Iran ay maglalayo sa atensyon ng publiko sa reklamong impeachment laban sa kanya at makakatulong para sa paglaki ng kanyang tyansa sa eleksyong presidensyal sa Nobyembre. Iniisip ni Trump na ang paggyera sa Iran ay gagawa sa kanya ng pabor. Masyado n’yang minalaki ang pagtanya sa kapasidad ng US at lubha n’yang minaliit naman ang pandaigdigang paglaban sa imperyalismong US.

    Ang agresyon ng US laban sa Iran ay lumilikha ng kaguluhan sa rehiyon at pananakot sa mamamayan, kabilang na ang mga manggagawang Pilipino sa ibayong dagat. Inaasahang magreresulta ito ng pagtaas ng presyo ng langis bunga ng tensyon sa rehiyon. Layunin ng US na igiit ang kanyang imperyalistang dominasyon sa rehiyon sa pamamagitan ng pag-atake sa lahat ng pwersa at mga bansang laban sa hegemonyang US. Malaon na itong sangkot sa mga probokasyon laban sa Iran at ngayo’y tuwiran na nitong tinahak ang armadong agresyon.

    Nananawagan kami sa lahat ng balangay ng Migrante Europe na lumahok sa, at o mag-organisa ng mga kilos protesta laban sa armadong agresyon ng US sa Gitnang Silangan. Ang lumalalang tensyon ay naglalagay sa ating mga kababayan sa tiyak na panganib. Ang mga planadong internasyunal na pamamaslang ay di kailanman maaaring maging patakarang panlabas ng anumang bansa. Kailangan managot ang US sa kanyang mga gawing kriminal.

    Tutulan ang Digmang Agresyon ng US Laban sa Iran ! 

  • Migrante-Europe Supports the Resumption of Peace Talks!

    Migrante-Europe Supports the Resumption of Peace Talks!

    The recommendation of both panels of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) to their respective principals and the subsequent declaration of a ceasefire of the NDFP and the GRP on Christmas season is significant news to all peace loving people. This temporary silencing of guns of the warring parties fighting for more than a half century is a confidence building measure to resume the peace talks that was stalled for more than two years now. 

    For the land-based and the sea-based Filipino migrant workers, the resumption of peace talks between the GRP and the NDFP is a new hope that the New Year could bring to the Filipino people. 

    Migrante-Europe firmly believe that the continuation on the discussion of the Comprehensive Agreement on Socio-Economic Reforms will truly address the many issues, particularly landlessness and job opportunities and security of tenure, that pushed the thousands of Filipino workers to leave their family and community to work abroad everyday. 

    Land-based and sea-based Filipino migrants are like the shepherds in the nativity. They are set apart and separated away from their families, spending a long time away from home. The migrant workers have very important roles in the host country. They bring things and work on the things that the peoples of the world need. The financial remittances of the migrant workers to the home country are significant for the local economy to survive. Without the migrant workers, the global economy will not work. Unfortunately, while the Philippine government regards the migrants as “modern-day heroes”, they are treated as milking cows with the imposition of exorbitant fees and other state exaction fees. Today, there are growing numbers of migrant workers around the world that are victims of human trafficking, suffering from maltreatment of employers, detained in prison overseas and are crying out loud for support from the Philippine government.

    Migrante-Europe fully supports the resumption of peace talks. We look at the peace negotiations as venue to comprehensively address the root causes of the armed conflict and lay the common ground to resolve the issues of landlessness, social injustices, economic poverty, forced migration among others confronting the majority of the Filipino people. 

    We call on the GRP and the NDFP to be faithful to the intents and purposes of its ceasefire declaration and to give peace a chance. 

    We appeal to the Filipino people in the home country and abroad to support the ceasefire between the GRP and the NDFP and to join the growing voices calling for the resumption of the peace negotiations. 

    Ceasefire Suportahan! 

    Peace Talks Ituloy! 

    Ipaglaban ang tunay na repormang agraryo!

    Ipagtanggol ang karapatan, kabuhayan at kalayaan! 

    Trabaho sa Pinas hindi sa labas!

  • Migrants, refugees and displaced peoples in Europe stand united!

    Migrants, refugees and displaced peoples in Europe stand united!

    The cases of abuse and exploitation of Filipino migrants all over the world continues to increase, so we must be more resilient and more united in action.Joanna Concepcion, Chairperson of Migrante-International

    Joanna Concepcion, Chairperson of Migrante-International

    As the global economic crisis boils up, the ruling powers are aggressively bolstering the oppressive social order that afflicts the majority of the masses as in the case with the recently concluded UK elections. Gary Martinez, a UK based migrant’s advocate lamented that “the year maybe changing, but the situation of migrants, refugees and other displaced people and their families are not changing because of stricter immigration laws not just  in the UK but in the rest of Europe.” Cora Espanto, the president of Migrante in The Hague and a survivor of modern-day-slavery agrees with that statement and adding that “Filipinos in diaspora must be united in standing up against anti-migrant rhetoric and policies not just in Europe but in the whole world.” Umangat-Migrante Rome chairperson, Enrelito del Carmen and Victor Salloman a member, continues to call for the regularization of irregular migrants in Europe.

    Individuals and groups of people are further forced to leave their homes due to economic hardships, environmental degradation and/or armed conflicts to become migrants, refugees or displaced peoples.

    Father Herbert Fadriquela, Chair of Migrante-Europe, says, “Land-based and sea-based Filipino migrants are like the shepherds in the nativity. They are set apart and separated away from their families, spending a long time away from home. The migrant workers have very important roles in the host country. They bring things and work on the things that the people of the world needs. The financial remittances of the migrant workers to the home country make the economy survived. Without the migrant workers, the global economy will not work. Unfortunately, while the Philippine government regards, the migrants as “modern-day heroes” they are treated as milking cows with the imposition of exorbitant fees other state exaction fees.” 

    In the Philippines, we find the puppet US-Duterte regime is finding pleasure in its harlotry with imperialist rivals China and the United States. Continuing plunder of our country’s resources and violation of our economic rights, the Filipino people, including those in diaspora in Europe, has build stronger unity with other oppressed people of the world to resist the imperialist aggression of the US and China. The impoverishment of the Filipino people is aggravated through various neoliberal schemes like the TRAIN law, state exactions on OFWs, contractualization, rice liberalization law, and the further institutionalization of the government’s labour export program through the impending creation of the Department of Overseas Filipinos.  

    Moving to quash the waxing outcry of resistance from Filipino migrants across Europe, the US-Duterte regime institutionalized Fascist tyranny through the formation of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) in accordance with Executive Order 70. The Whole-of-Nation-Approach allows AFP and PNP to muster all government resources and institutions to impose state terror not only in the mother land but also where Filipinos reside in Europe. We have witnessed in Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and other European countries how the NTF-ELCAC has wasted our remittances and our people’s taxes by recruiting “spies” amongst our ranks. We continue to remind the different Philippine embassies and consulates that they have the responsibility to help all Filipinos in need regardless of status. 

    Contributing to the global fight against fascism, nazism and neoliberalism as what we are seeing in the broad mass actions in France, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, Haiti, Lebanon and in many other parts of the world is fundamental to our national democratic experience in the Philippines. The presence of organized Filipinos overseas plays a significant role in exposing the crimes of the US-Duterte regime before the international community. Only Duterte’s ouster and the complete overthrow of feudalism, bureaucrat capitalism and imperialism shall give deliverance to the Filipino people from perdition. 

    The International Migrants’ Day is the day when we glorify and honor our fellow Filipino migrants and their allies who claimed this day in 1997 as “The International Day of Solidarity for Migrants.” The UN recognition and designation of this day only happened in the year 2000. Member organizations of Migrante-Europe from Austria ; Belgium ; Denmark ; France ; Germany; Greece; Iceland; Ireland; Italy, The Netherlands, Norway; Russia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom; and many more will participate in different actions as part of its solidarity work with other migrant groups. Migrante-Europe salutes all progressive Filipinos in diaspora, our families and our allies in our strong resolve to build a strong movement not only in the Philippines but in the entire world.

    Migrants, refugees and displaced people of the world unite!
    Defend migrants, refugees and displaced people’s right!
    Migranteng Pilipino, Ngayon ay Lumalaban!

  • Migrante Europe Members Spoke Up in a Mass on Forced Migration and Alarming Human Rights Situation in the Philippines

    Migrante Europe Members Spoke Up in a Mass on Forced Migration and Alarming Human Rights Situation in the Philippines

    Como, Italy – Three members of Migrante-Europe, Stella Matutina  of ICHRP-EU (Germany), Victor Salloman of Umangat Rome (Italy), and Prof. Alex Pasion  of Migrante Como (Italy), spoke up in front of the  of the numerous parishioners during the Liturgical Celebration for the Feast of the  Immaculate Conception, last Sunday, 08 December.

    Through the invitation of Don Giusto Della Valle, the Rector of Parrocchia San Martino di Rebbio, Como, the three representatives of Migrante Europe mentioned the two historical events that took place in the Parish: 2nd Assembly IMA Europe and 2nd Congress Migrante Europe.

    Prof. Alex Passion (Migrante Como)

    Alex, a university professor, shared the significance of the International Migrant’s Alliance (IMA) and Migrante Europe Congress to migrants, refugees and displaced peoples. He explained further that poverty is the root cause of forced migration of the majority of Filipinos. Violent conflicts forced people to attempt dangerous border crossings, while the impact of climate change is already being felt in many parts of the world, as prolonged droughts, desertification, and more frequent natural calamities are already eroding livelihoods and leading to displacement. He also reminded the parishioners not to accept the current narratives coming from the right-wing governments including those from Italy, that migrants are a threat to national security and employment (job-stealing). 

    Victor Salloman (Umangat Rome)

    Victor spoke about the Photo Exhibit of the victims of the Drug War and how Duterte’s “drug war” is affecting the Filipino people of which mostly the poor. Stella shared how everyone was not safe, including church people. At least three Italian missionaries were killed defending the rights of indigenous peoples in the Philippines, and she also shared the dangers of red-tagging of genuine defenders of human rights in the country.

    The “Speak Up Event” on Migration and Human Rights Situation in the Philippines that took place in the Parrocchia San Martino was warmly accepted by the congregation, and thanks to the generosity of the Rector Don Giusto Della Valle and the community.

    The Speak Up Event and the Photo Exhibits in the Parish were organized by the Migrante Milan Como in collaboration with Migrante Europe and IMA Europe.

  • Austrian Network for Justice & Peace in the Philippines (ANJPP)

    Austrian Network for Justice & Peace in the Philippines (ANJPP)

    As we commemorate the International Human Rights Day, we view with deep concern the rapid deterioration of the human rights situation in the Philippines. We are witnessing how far the country has regressed in terms of upholding, respecting, and protecting people’s rights,

    This situation is aptly described by Karapatan saying: “There is a human rights crisis in the country. Regardless of the denials and legal acrobatics by the Duterte government, it has made its mark as a murderous regime that disregards people’s rights. This government’s record is besmirched with blood, with thousands killed in the sham drug war and counterinsurgency program, thousands displaced by bombings and militarisation, hundreds arbitrarily detained and filed with trumped-up charges, and thousands more harassed, red-tagged, and threatened for their activism.”

    In its 12 December report Karapatan said: “on top of the thousands killed in the drug war, the group has documented 293 political killings – 167 of which are human rights defenders. At least 204 were tortured, 429 were victims of frustrated extrajudicial killings, 11 were forcibly disappeared, and 94,075 were threatened and harassed. It is also under Duterte that the number of political prisoners in the country have sharply risen. Having arrested 382 of the 629 political detainees in the country, the Duterte government is responsible for the unjust incarceration of more than half of political prisoners in the country.”

    Duterte’s hand in the rampant violations perpetrated under his term is evident. This is made clear with the barrage of repressive policies that is meant to justify repression and funnel State resources to silence critics.

    Among the foremost repressive policies on Duterte’s playbook are its sham drug war, its counterinsurgency program Oplan Kapanatagan, martial law in Mindanao, Memorandum No. 32, and its new task force for harassing legal organisations, the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) created by Executive Order No. 70 (s2018).

    On the other hand, the Tao Po performance in Vienna, Austria last October 12 and was a great success and watched by more than a hundred people. The event “was overwhelming!”, the big attendance was unexpected. Day after the event of Tao Po a successful followed up discussion was be held at Amerlinghaus, Stiffgasse, 1070 Vienna, that led to the formation of temporary steering committee for Rise UP for Life-Austria.

    More so, on 20 November 2019, Migrante Austria submitted and open letter to President Duterte via the office of Ambassador Maria Cleofe Natividad. And on the same day at 5-7pm, members of Migrante Austria and its allied organisations held protest rally near the office of the Philippine Embassy at Donau City, Vienna.

    The open letter/protest rally demanded President Duterte to :

    • stop the war waging against the Filipino people!
    • to kill poverty – not the poor and those who
    • defend them!
    • listen and act on the decades-long call of
    • Filipinos for genuine social reforms and respect
    • for human rights!

    A further development took place in the 2nd Migrante Europe Congress in Como, Italy last 8 December 2019. Bishop Antonio Ablon, President of Mindanao Bishops Conference, agreed to be the guest speaker of a round table discussion here in Vienna on 19 January 2020, 5-7pm on the impact of the gross human rights violations in the Philippines on the marginalised sectors of our society, ie, Lumads, etc.

    Thus, the steering committee of Rise up for Life and Migrante Austria in its meeting last 11 December 2019 recommended the formation of Austrian Network for Justice & Peace in the Philippines (ANJPP) whose objectives are:

    • Raise awareness in Austria about the situation in the Philippines
    • Organise and participate in activities in support of the Filipino people’s rights and democratic aspirations
    • Condemn the intensifying killings, repression and other human rights violations in the Philippines
    • Stop the support of the government of Austria to the repressive Duterte government.

    Furthermore, we call all churches to unite against the oppressive measures of the Duterte regime against critics. It is our moral obligation to oppose the killing of human beings and to defend the defenders.

    Let our prayers be put into action and let us “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” as stressed in 1 Peter 5:8. Within this troublesome tide, the church people must continue to give witness to our faith and march forward in defense of the Filipino people’s common values and aspirations for human dignity, justice and peace.

    Migrante Austria
    10 December 2019

  • Migrante-Europe Second Congress: A Manifestation of Continuous Commitment

    Migrante-Europe Second Congress: A Manifestation of Continuous Commitment

    Como, Italy – Migrante-Europe held a fun-filled but full of militancy its 2nd congress on 8 December 2019 in Como, Italy. With the theme “ Expand and strengthen our unity! Promote and defend the rights and welfare of Filipinos and their families in Europe and abroad! Contribute and participate in the struggle for national freedom and democracy!”  The congress was attended by more than one hundred participants representing 28 Filipino organizations coming from various countries in Europe.

    Fr Herbert Fadriquela Jr, the incumbent Chairperson of Migrante-Europe opened the congress with a roll call of member organizations as well as welcoming new member organizations. The occasion was also graced with the presence of  Bishop Antonio Ablon of the Iglesia Filipina Independent (IFI) of the Diocese of Pagadian City, Philippines and Don Giusto Della Valle, Rector of the Parrocchia San Martino di Rebbio, Como. Both clergy gave very challenging and inspiring messages to the participants.

    “Migrants, migrant workers and refugees of all kinds are all part of diaspora — the exodus or mass relocation of peoples due to societal or/and natural causes. The individual who migrated autonomously is still part of a phenomenon of mass displacement. Whether the displacement is apparently voluntary or involuntary through commercial recruiters (such as manning agencies, placement services, and other private trafficking businesses and ‘official trafficking policies’). Conflicts and natural calamities are sudden events that produce refugees on a mass scale. But societal or/and natural conditions can also be slow-evolving, resulting involuntary migration of individuals. All of this result in a diaspora – displacement and the creation of a mass of peoples or communities of the displaced. The worsening economic, environmental and human rights crisis in the Philippines continues to drive 7,000 Filipinos out of the country every day;” stressed Bishop Ablon.

    San Martino Parochial Priest Don Giusto Della Valle

    San Martino Parochial Priest Don Giusto Della Valle, shared the works of his parish helping undocumented migrants as well as refugees. He also shared his reflections on how human lives are becoming hostages to the ever-changing political landscape in Italy. 

    The Congress elected the officers that will compose the Executive Committee of the alliance in the next three years, namely: Fr. Herbert Fadriquela Jr. of Bayanihan Leicestershire in United Kingdom as Chairperson; Ann Brusola  of Gabriela-Rome as Vice-Chairperson for Internal Affairs; Evangeline Irabon of Migrante-Como as Vice-Chairperson for External Affairs; Marlon Lacsamana of Migrante-The Hague, Netherlands as Secretary General; Rhodney Pasion of Migrante-Bologna as Deputy Secretary General;  Kendy Sario, of Ugnayan ng mga Pilipino sa Belgium as Treasurer; and Elnora Held of Gabriela-Germany as Auditor,

    The congress also approved the General Program of Action (GPOA) for 2020-2023 and the Constitution and By-Laws of Migrante-Europe. 


    Marlon T. Lacsamana
    Secretary General, Migrante Europe
    [email protected]

    Revd Fr. Herbert F. Fadriquela Jr.
    Chairperson, Migrante Europe
    [email protected]

  • IMA-Europe 2nd Congress A Success!

    IMA-Europe 2nd Congress A Success!

    The International Migrants Alliance (IMA)-Europe held a successful 2nd congress on 07 December 2019 in Como, Italy. With the theme of “Migrants, Refugees and Displaced Peoples Building Unity, Organizing to Reclaim Rights”, the congress was attended by over 100 participants representing 31 grassroots organizations and migrants, refugees and displaced peoples from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.  

    Don Giusto Della Valle, Rector of the Parrocchia San Martino di Rebbio welcomed the congress delegates to his parish, known in the area for its work with displaced migrants and refugees.  “We are builders of peace. But what kind of society do we want to build in Italy? How are we going to build it if we do not allow people to stay and allow them to contribute to this project? We need to support migrants because local legislation is becoming more and more unfriendly towards them.”

    Bishop Antonio Ablon of the Philippine Independent Church (IFI) and representing the European Network for Justice and Peace in the Philippines (ENJPP) stressed how the worsening economic and human rights crisis in the Philippines continues to drive 7,000 Filipinos out of the country everyday. He further stressed the role of the diaspora in the project of social and national liberation in their countries of origin.

    Fabio Cani of Como Senza Frontiere said that we have to narrate migrant stories as testimonies of unjust global structural problems.  Pietro Bassi, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Masteral Course in Immigration at the University of Venice, warned of a ‘war’ against migrants and immigrants being waged by Europe. ‘It seems Europe does not want migrant workers. But in fact, they contribute 10% to the receiving country’s GDP.  They want migrants but if possible on their knees, naked and without expectations or irregular – that is, irregularized, with no rights and clandestine.’

    The assembly also elected their new set of officers including (Chairperson) Zaria Galiano of Comitato Degli Immigrati, Italy; (Vice Chairperson) Ibrahim Coulibaly of Associazione Mande, Europe; (Secretary General) Maitet Ledesma of Pinay sa Holland-GBARIELA, Netherlands; and (Treasurer) Helen Bulusan of the Filipino Domestic Workers Association, UK. Revelin Irabon of Migrante Como-Milano youth committee, Italy was elected as representative for refugees.

    As a sign of their growing commitment to strengthen their unity across Europe, the assembly welcomed 20 new members to the regional alliance. The general program of action approved by the assembly aims to grow the alliance in the next 3 years to provide an effective network that will bring the voices of migrants, refugees and displaced peoples in all arenas of advocacy – from the local to the regional – for the purpose of organizing to reclaim their rights!

    International Migrants Alliance (IMA)-Europe

    Contact: Maitet Ledesma

    [email protected]

  • There is MIGRANTE at the frontline of the struggle of Filipino migrants and their families in Europe

    There is MIGRANTE at the frontline of the struggle of Filipino migrants and their families in Europe

    Solidarity message from MIGRANTE – Japan

    We, in MIGRANTE Japan extend our warmest solidarity greetings to all member organizations of MIGRANTE Europe on the occasion of its 2nd Congress on December 8, 2019.

    In your congress theme, “Broaden and strengthen the ranks, defend the collective gains and advance the struggle for the rights and welfare of Filipino migrants and their families”, it aptly sets the urgent call to continue arousing, organizing and mobilizing the broadest number of patriotic Filipino compatriots throughout Europe for the defense and advancement of their legitimate rights and interests. It inspires us knowing that on your side of the globe, there is MIGRANTE Europe at the frontline of the struggle of Filipino migrants and their families.  

    Currently, millions of our compatriots abroad are beleaguered with anti-migrant policies that treat them like disposable commodities and without respect for basic human rights. Worse, the Philippine government which is mandated to protect us against any form of abuse and exploitation has extended its assault to progressive Filipino compatriots abroad who are working for the defense of their rights and the Motherland. They too have become victims of the vilification campaigns of the tyrannical regime of president Duterte and have been red-tagged as terrorists. All these pose great challenge to all patriotic Filipino compatriots around the world. 

    But we cannot be cowed by a tyrant. Our noble task of championing the cause of Filipino migrants and their families is legitimate, and it is valid. Amid all the attacks against us, we should be proud knowing that the strength and widening movement of progressive migrant Filipinos around the world is continuously growing. And the holding our your 2nd congress is a clear testament to this.

    MIGRANTE Europe stands as the moving force among overseas Filipinos and their families in that part of the globe. We are very sure that your 2nd congress will fire you up even more to struggle vigorously for your rights and welfare as part of the national democratic struggle of the Filipino people for social justice, national freedom, sovereignty and democracy. 

    Continue to inspire millions of migrants around the world! Carry on the noble task of liberating our people against the onslaught of the US-Duterte dictatorship! 

    Mabuhay ang MIGRANTE Europe!
    Mabuhay ang migranteng Pilipino saan mang panig ng mundo!

    MIGRANTE – Japan