Como, Italy – Three members of Migrante-Europe, Stella Matutina  of ICHRP-EU (Germany), Victor Salloman of Umangat Rome (Italy), and Prof. Alex Pasion  of Migrante Como (Italy), spoke up in front of the  of the numerous parishioners during the Liturgical Celebration for the Feast of the  Immaculate Conception, last Sunday, 08 December.

Through the invitation of Don Giusto Della Valle, the Rector of Parrocchia San Martino di Rebbio, Como, the three representatives of Migrante Europe mentioned the two historical events that took place in the Parish: 2nd Assembly IMA Europe and 2nd Congress Migrante Europe.

Prof. Alex Passion (Migrante Como)

Alex, a university professor, shared the significance of the International Migrant’s Alliance (IMA) and Migrante Europe Congress to migrants, refugees and displaced peoples. He explained further that poverty is the root cause of forced migration of the majority of Filipinos. Violent conflicts forced people to attempt dangerous border crossings, while the impact of climate change is already being felt in many parts of the world, as prolonged droughts, desertification, and more frequent natural calamities are already eroding livelihoods and leading to displacement. He also reminded the parishioners not to accept the current narratives coming from the right-wing governments including those from Italy, that migrants are a threat to national security and employment (job-stealing). 

Victor Salloman (Umangat Rome)

Victor spoke about the Photo Exhibit of the victims of the Drug War and how Duterte’s “drug war” is affecting the Filipino people of which mostly the poor. Stella shared how everyone was not safe, including church people. At least three Italian missionaries were killed defending the rights of indigenous peoples in the Philippines, and she also shared the dangers of red-tagging of genuine defenders of human rights in the country.

The “Speak Up Event” on Migration and Human Rights Situation in the Philippines that took place in the Parrocchia San Martino was warmly accepted by the congregation, and thanks to the generosity of the Rector Don Giusto Della Valle and the community.

The Speak Up Event and the Photo Exhibits in the Parish were organized by the Migrante Milan Como in collaboration with Migrante Europe and IMA Europe.