MANILA, Philippines – Traditionally silent, Filipino judges were prompted to issue a rare statement to condemn the red-tagging of Manila Judge Marlo Magdoza-Malagar by former Palace official Lorraine Badoy.
Hukom, a registered organization of first level and second level judges, said on Saturday, September 24, that “we cannot rest easy and accept them as normal and ordinary.”
After Malagar junked the four-year-old proscription case to judicially declare the Communist Party of the Philippines-New Peoples’ Army (CPP-NPA) as terrorist, Badoy went on her usual red-tagging spree, calling the judge “friend and defender” of the CPP-NPA.
Badoy also wrote in her original post that “if I kill this judge and I do so out of my political belief that all allies of the CPP NPA NDF must be killed because there is no difference in my mind between a member of the CPP NPA NDF and their friends, then please be lenient with me.” Badoy later denied making that statement, and the post was no longer in her timeline.